ISO 45001:2018 – Health & Safety Management Standard

Make health and safety of your employees a priority.  Scarab Systems offers consultation to achieve ISO 45001:2018 Health & Safety Management Standard

ISO 45001:2018: provides a structured health and safety management system to your business or organisation.  ISO 18001 and AS/NZS 4801 is the standard recognised in both Australia and New Zealand which can be applied to any workplace regardless of industry.

When your organisation is ISO 45001:2018 Health & Safety Management Standard certified, it establishes your commitment to the health and welfare of your management and employees.  Your certification provides credibility to external parties, including clients and stakeholders.

While there were earlier standards for OHS management systems, OHSAS first released its 18001 standard in 1999. The current version is OHSAS 18001:2007 and AS/NZS 4801:2001 Health & Safety Management Standard is the approved standard for Australia and New Zealand.

The ISO 45001:2018  Health & Safety Management Standard was developed to help all types of organisations reduce, and where possible eliminate injury and illness.

ISO 45001:2018  Health & Safety Management Standard systems primarily take a preventative approach to health and safety by:

  • Identifying hazards applicable to the organizations operations
  • determining the level of risk associated with the hazard
  • Identifying controls including monitoring and measuring methods where  appropriate to help minimize the identified risk.
  • Implementing the controls and monitoring compliance with and effectiveness of the controls
  • Taking corrective action in case of non-conformance, injury, or illness
  • Learning from non-conformance and incidents and determining appropriate action to help the organization prevent further incidents.

 Furthermore, there is a focus on:

  • Consultation and communication
  • Legal compliance
  • Emergencies
  • Training and competency.

 As with ISO 9001 and ISO 14001, it is good management practice to develop written safety policies and procedures.

Written policies and procedures are effective for helping an organization plan, communicate, check, enforce, and continually improve so that an organisation is better able to ensure the health and safety of its employees and others affected by its operations is paramount.

If understood and implemented correctly, an ISO 45001:2018 Health & Safety Management Standard should easily pay for itself financially. Consider the cost of injury, illness, legalities, negative press, and stress that come from poor health and safety, and consider the benefits that comes from taking a planned and informed approach to safety management

Achieving ISO 45001:2018  Health & Safety Management Standard demonstrates to others your commitment to safety and can be effectively used in marketing campaigns.

As the world becomes more and more health & safety conscious (including employees), the smart choice is to implement standards compliant to ISO 18001 & 4801 Health & Safety Management Standard and enjoy the marketing benefits of recognition that comes from ISO 45001:2018  certification.

18001 has now being updated to ISO 45001.